We have 9 nationalities represented in ScoilRealtanaMaidine, and that was our theme in this year's parade. As you can tell our boys had a great day walking proud through the town of Listowel. A special thank you to Paul Woods for these lovely photos as can be seen http://stpatrick.perrylane.org
Our busy gardeners are now enjoying their spring flowers. Mrs Lane's senior infants were very busy last November planting and preparing for the new year. Don't they look proud of their work!
Bhí ceolchoirm againn sa halla chun Seachtain na Gaeilge a ceiliúradh. Ghlac gach rang páirt ann le ceol, drámaíocht agus amhránaíocht go flúirseach ag na mbuachaillí.
Ms. Sheehy and her junior infants were accompanied on their nature walk by Mrs. Costello's 6th Class boys. The younger boys were on a mission to search for signs of Spring! The senior boys are presently preparing for their Confirmation, so we wish them well next week.
To understand life in Viking times better Mr. Guiney's 4th Class and IníonUíChoileán's 3rd Class took to a trip to the local round tower in Ballyduff. The boys came away with a better understanding of life long ago.